Is Stigma Preventing you from Addiction Recovery?

5 min readApr 6, 2021


The Health Risks of COVID-19 and Detox Services

We are currently living in unusual circumstances. The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us while we learn to adapt to a new way of living. Healthcare services are no longer running with full resources, and traditional mutual aid groups like AA and NA are currently not so active in a face-to-face capacity. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been the main topic of conversation on television, social media, and even in our own homes over the last few months. As cases have spread globally, the pandemic has affected everyone, causing widespread panic and uncertainty.

Humanity feels vulnerable at a time like this; to be afraid of the unknown seems natural. Many feel unable to discuss their concerns and with added stress are looking for support as they find themselves trapped in a cycle of self-medicating with substances like alcohol to manage their fears.

If you are currently struggling with drinking too much/ alcohol dependency/ alcoholism, this pandemic brings to the surface a unique set of concerns. Addiction and alcoholism are chronic conditions — a relapsing disease that exhibits itself in dependency on a substance like alcohol. This leads the individual to experience high levels of unmanageability throughout every aspect of life. Relationships break down, and the individual can often feel overwhelmed in everyday living.

Since alcohol consumption can weaken our immune system over time, any person with problematic drinking behaviours can be amongst the most vulnerable populations for getting COVID-19. While flattening the curve is the nation’s priority right now, we understand that the unique needs of individuals battling alcoholism are equally urgent — maybe even more so during this time of social distancing and home quarantines.

Barriers to treatment

For those experiencing a relapse or feeling out of control with their habits and wishing to access support, this poses some barriers. With added stress due to financial uncertainty and job insecurity, many who need help are reported to be fearful of the consequences if they were to admit to having issues with substances.

Alcohol intake has been of increasing concern; those in established recovery communities are reporting high rates of relapse as individuals who were reliant on mutual aid support feel cut off and isolated. Furthermore, many individuals in the professional sector are also seeing an increase in stress triggered by isolation. With fewer mental health services operating to capacity, many are consuming alcohol as a form of self-medicating.

Professionals, people in the public eye, including “The Great and the Good” traditionally find it difficult to access support services. They fear judgement, the risk of employment also becomes a concern. This calls for a sensitive approach with discretion. Those who need home detox need to do so in a comfortable place, such as their own home — prompt and professional support that ensures strict confidentiality.

Even when active, many support groups conduct meetings at churches or other religious places, with significant attendance from the BAME community. The affected persons may fear criticism from those within their community. Likewise, meetings in treatment centres pose barriers to professionals who are apprehensive that their identity is leaked and cause damage to their careers.

Society places great trust in those professionals working in our community, and many professionals fear that if they were to reveal their efforts, they would lose faith from the public.

With credibility, employment and status at risk, what is there left to do? Do they go on to the bitter end hiding their consumption of alcohol, hoping that somehow, they gain control, or do they search for an alternative solution? Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, Dentists, Accountants, Clergy, Politicians all have fears relating to their status.

What Is Home Detox and is it Safe?

Detox enables the body to get rid of alcohol safely. Trained healthcare specialists will need to be on call to help ease the process, safely. Addictions UK assesses each case and may decide on occasions that it is inappropriate to offer this service.

Some of the most common symptoms of detox are nausea, headaches, sweating, raised anxiety and insomnia. Less common, but more severe, symptoms include depression, shakiness and even hallucinations. At some point, though, the symptoms will subside.

Understandably with risks like these, it is vital to enter detox with an organisation who are trained and experienced in delivering quality service. Detoxing is safe when handled by those who specialise in this field of healthcare provision.

Often the thought of detoxing is quite overwhelming. Your risk of relapsing after detox is high if you do not access treatment support after the completion of the detox. Relapsing can occur for many people. Aftercare with continued therapy is recommended to minimize the risk of relapse and help in meeting ongoing challenges in early recovery.

How Addictions UK can help

Addictions UK can assist with this issue. Addictions UK is the leading provider of home detox services in the UK. Since 2002, Addictions UK has been helping hundreds of individuals with addiction recovery and can facilitate safe and confidential detox from alcohol in the comfort of your own home.

Addictions UK has a team of highly skilled qualified individuals to help meet your needs and offer optimal support throughout the entire process. You will be assigned a therapist who will help talk you through the process.

The service is discreet, and there are no needed appointments in treatment centres or medical facilities. All mutual aid support can be administered remotely, so it is fully accessible from the comfort of your own home, away from the fear of judgement and free from stigma.

Addictions UK are there to handle this sensitive period — confidentiality and compassion are ensured.

You may feel alone but need not be alone. The coronavirus pandemic need not prevent you from entering recovery when you think the time is right.

A new future awaits you beyond this detox and Addictions UK can help you along with this next phase of your recovery.

Start your new life today!

Please contact us to discuss a Home Detox Programme or any of our other services. Together, we can build a new life for you!
Tel: 0800 1404044




Written by AddictionsUK

We specialise in Detox at Home and Addiction Treatments. We use medically qualified staff located throughout the UK who are supported by accredited councillors.

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